Teasing Hard Or Hardly Touched – Mandy Marx bondage male chastity

Teasing Hard Or Hardly Touched - Mandy Marx bondage male chastityTo find more videos from
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Studio:Mandy Marx
Length:13 min
him, especially since he doesnt realize hes a prop. It makes me laugh to watch him get harder and harder, as if he doesnt understand hes a prop. Maybe I should autograph something so hell never forget me as his first Dom. In a web of restraints, I make him suffer. The humiliation and pain make it a fun day for me. Spanking him in a net of bondage makes the situation fun. Although he admits hes fucked, he still finds it funny that he gets harder and harder, while I get to torture and talk smack to him. The fact that Im his first Dom makes me want to autograph something in a place he wont forget. While bound in a web of restraints, I make him suffer. I make him suffer, humiliate him, and spank him in the net. Despite acknowledging hes fucked, he finds the situation humorous. As if he doesnt realize hes just a prop, I find nothing more entertaining than tormenting and talking smack to him, as he gets harder...