Helly Manon's volunteers Part I 4K VR360 – Winzlings Shrinking Clips s i

Helly Manon's volunteers Part I 4K VR360 - Winzlings Shrinking Clips s iTo find more videos from
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Studio:Winzlings Shrinking Clips
control and entirely enjoying her power.

“Are you guys hungry? Maybe youd like some grapes...” She places a single grape and a nut into the house – both pieces of food much larger than the smallest man in the house... and both pieces more than capable of feeding the group of volunteers for a very long time.

She asks if you all still like the idea of being shrunken, and is pleased when the answer is yes... but today was so eventful – and its time for a nap. She takes you all into her bedroom, unshyly removing her clothes – down to her yellow lingerie. Helly lifts the house high into the sky – with her feet. Just as you fear falling from what was once a trivial height, but is now a great one – the grape plummets, bouncing off of her boob and out of sight. She quickly picks it up, and devours it in a single bite.

One of the volunteers tells her how much you all love her feet – and she places the house on the foot of her bed – soles towering in front of you as she begins the slow fall into the land of dreams.

“You know what? This is too dangerous,” She says, considering how easily she could accidentally send the entire house cascading to the floor with a little kick in the night. “So Ill just put you here, and then I can check whenever I want.” She sets the house on her bedside table, and tosses a cloth over the house...